Antique Baluch rugs are unique in the world of oriental rugs. Rather than originating from a specific, easily identified region, Beluche rugs are actually expressions of an extraordinarily wide variety of styles. In some ways, the style that characterizes Beluche rugs is more of an amalgamation of Turkish, Persian, and Caucasian rugs than a distinct style in itself. This is largely due to the fact that the historical region where Beluche rugs were produced, Balochistan, exists on both sides of the Iran-Pakistan border, although in the past it was a semi-autonomous, unified nation. by the Beluche language. However, in the past the main weaving area was located around the border between Iran and Afghanistan, giving rise to a hybrid style, reflected in the ancient carpets of Balochistan. Rugs are defined by their thicker knotted woven structure. They can be recognized mainly by their exceptional wool quality and color combination.

Today, nomadic rug enthusiasts and experts attest that Beluche are generally the result of tribal adaptations or transformations of urban rug design. There are a number of geometric patterns that are original Beluche creations or transformations – tree of life patterns, repeating geometric designs, and diamond-shaped medallion patterns with hooks on the edges, to name just a few. To the extent that Beluches are derived from Turkmen or Persian designs or motifs, they always exhibit a characteristic change that gives them a distinct quality, instantly recognizable as a Beluche.