
Ancient carpets from the Malayer region, located in northwestern Persia, are known for their diversity of styles and colors. Technically, they are among the carpets made in nearby Senneh and Hamadan. Medallion figures which, although they come from classical Persian sources, tend to be a little more abstract or geometric in the Malayer. Sometimes the design of some Malayer may contain smaller geometric shapes like the Herati pattern (diamonds flanked by flowers and leaves). They can also combine these visuals with larger compositions and the use of open, empty spaces. Their coloring is generally soft but varied. Malayer rugs have a formality and distinction that make them excellent decorative pieces for elegant environments.

The wealth of different geometric motifs makes antique Malayer rugs extremely interesting. The “boteh” or sprouted seed (a symbol of nature’s birth) is the design most often used by ancient Malayer carpet weavers. Stylized birds are also widely used designs, adding a delicate touch to the rug.

The richness of colors is a product of natural dyes. The navy blue often used as the rug’s center field color is contrasted with an exquisite spectrum of secondary tones: sage green, watermelon red, sky blue, salmon, gold and brown. Rich backgrounds ranging from rust red to crimson are also employed. Undyed camel wool is used, but less frequently.

One of the most enchanting features of antique Malayer rugs is the importance placed on creating richly detailed borders that rival the spectacular geometric patterns featured in the central field. Malayer artists have always strived to create exquisite borders.

Generally, artists in this region made smaller rugs and galleries, although larger rugs could be made to order. Now is an excellent time to invest in antique Malayer rugs because they are only currently gaining the recognition they deserve. They are magnificent pieces of art and are excellent for decorating any environment that wants to be elegant.
Browse our collection of Malayer rugs
Malayer – Northwest Persia

Época – 


Medida – 

143 x
265 cm
Malayer – Northwest Persia

Época – 


Medida – 

165 x
190 cm
Malayer – Northwest Persia

Época – 


Medida – 

128 x
520 cm
Malayer – Northwest Persia

Época – 


Medida – 

107 x
452 cm
Malayer – Northwest Persia

Época – 


Medida – 

150 x
325 cm
Malayer – Northwest Persia

Época – 


Medida – 

197 x
483 cm


Época (circa)

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