Rarely does Hadji Jallili’s work use dark tones such as red and blue that are characteristic of most classic style antique Persian rugs. Its unquestionable signature is the remarkably effective use of a restricted palette of exquisite colors, some in the subtlest tones combined with a fine aesthetic. On soft backgrounds of ivory, sand, beige, terracotta, rust and brown, Hadji Jallili masterfully designed medallions in the shape of vines and fluid arabesques in subtle tones, such as pink and coffee. To give a more dramatic visual effect, indigo was sometimes used to produce greater contrast. Due to the high knot density, the designs tend to have an appearance that resembles finely etched porcelain painting, which is embellished by light backgrounds.

Although extremely difficult to acquire due to their limited production and high demand, a small number of antique Hadji Jallili rugs can still be found today. The unique sense of color and subtle design excellence transformed Tabriz Hadji Jallili rugs into some of the most stunning Persian rugs of the 19th century. Fortunately, Hadji Jallili’s workshop achieved its goal of producing a legacy of memorable works of art, whose lasting quality has left us with a small number of precious masterpieces to admire.

A Tabriz rug adds a feeling of elegance to any room in a home or office. Tabriz are known for their unsurpassed quality, strong weave and rich detail. For centuries, Tabriz carpets have been made with the highest quality since Tabriz was established as one of the first capitals of the carpet world. The artists of Tabriz boast of being the oldest in terms of production in all of Persia. Tabriz Persian carpets and their beauty not only depend on its rich cultural background, but its limitless design is not surpassed by any other region. With an unsurpassed variety of colors, the Tabriz rug can be found in any tone, including bolder colors or softer pastel tones.