What does the term antique mean in the world of rugs?

In the world of rugs, the term “antique” implies more than just a measure of time. It encompasses a range of desirable characteristics related to design quality, weaving technique, and materials used. In monetary terms, “antiquity” equates to a higher cost because antique rugs, i.e., those made before 1920, are a finite commodity whose number can only decrease, never increase. Indeed, the years around 1920 marked a turning point in rug production. From this time, natural vegetable dyes were widely replaced by synthetic dyes that lacked the depth, intensity, and subtlety of the previously used natural dyes. It was also a time when machine-spun yarns replaced hand-spun wool. These changes had a significant impact on the appearance of rugs. Natural vegetable dyes produced more vibrant colours and varied in their hue, providing a depth effect on the rug’s surface. Similarly, the irregular texture of hand-spun wool was more varied in its properties than machine-spun yarns. Therefore, antique rugs with hand-spun wool and natural dyes have a more luminous and vibrant surface, producing a visual depth effect, while rugs made in the period approaching 1950 have, by comparison, a more opaque, flat, and monotonous surface. Furthermore, the design of 20th-century rugs began to change. As the international market opened up, weavers began to focus on the quantity of rug production. Not only did the quality of the materials suffer, but the rug designs were simplified to the extreme so that more rugs could be made more quickly. Ultimately, the distinction between antique rugs and pieces from the period close to the 1920s goes far beyond calculating a rug’s age. It is, in fact, a distinction of quality at all levels.

Serapi, 1875

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