Why Choose Figalli Oriental Rugs

Figalli specializes in offering unique, rarely-found antique Persian, Caucasian, and Indian rugs, characterized by individuality and exceptional artistic quality. We provide extraordinary pieces that embody uniqueness and joy.
If you value art, history, and refinement, Figalli is your destination. Our collection features rugs crafted with artistic excellence during the mid-19th to early 20th century, known as the Second Golden Age of Persian Rugs. These rugs, commissioned individually, are visual artistic expressions rather than decorative pieces or reproductions, offering intellectual and visual satisfaction.
Our exclusive collection boasts rugs made with high-quality materials and natural dyes derived from plants, animals, and minerals. The use of raw materials and the passage of time have softened the tones, creating a charming visual effect. Most of our rugs are made with high-quality, luminous, and durable wool.
The majority of Figalli’s rugs are exceptionally well-preserved for their age. While it’s rare to find a carpet made around 1850 without any restoration, most of our rugs have been skillfully restored by experienced Persian masters.
The allure of an antique rug can captivate your heart and intrigue your mind, much like music and poetry. Owning such a rug immerses you in a world rich in colors and designs, akin to being inside a painting. Choose Figalli Rugs because we do not offer commercial rugs, but works of art in the form of rugs.

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