Ghom Silk– Northwest Persia


100 cm‎⠀
x⠀157 cm
Splendid silk rug with hunting motifs with an exceptional level of artistic ability. Hunting-themed rugs are preferred for their rich detailing. This Ghom depicts rulers of Persia successfully hunting their prey. There is a measure of abundance and victory in the landscape and simultaneously a sense of chaos and conflict. Protected by two impressive borders, the first references the Garden of Eden, with abundant animal and plant life peacefully coexisting. The artist aims to call the viewer’s attention to remember that peace is just a short distance away, even in times of conflict. Humanity lives in a cycle where times of conflict are always followed by times of peace. This beautiful Persian Ghom rug is perfect for adding a unique character to your living room, office or other space. It can easily be used in a variety of interior design styles. It’s the perfect piece to hang on a wall. The rug’s muted colours and intricate details transform any space and provide the viewers with a theme of conversation. It can be used in a room with pastels or other neutral tones, adding a splash of colour and creating a focal point. This is a unique piece; one can easily see why silk Ghom rugs are popular among designers and collectors.

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